mama selamat hari jadi :)
this is your day, there's so many things i wanna tell you face to face, but i can't.
now i just want you to know that i am so proud being your daughter.
you successfully done your good job, grown up your kids in the great way.
you are my inspiration, you are my hero, you are my mom.
sometimes, it feels so hard to say "i love you" straight to you, but i know you knew it!
we sometimes argue and i got angry you angry too. i didn't feel right.
i've dissapointed you so many times but you still there, anytime i want. im sorry.
mom, in this special day called your birthday, i just wanna pray for you.
i can't give you anything better than this.
i wish you have a long long long time in life so you can see me to be what i want.
i wish your life coming all to the good.
i wish someday you can say "my kids are too proud to see" so you have already put them in the right track after all this time.
i wish someday when you get old and be a lil bit (or much) forgetful person, you'll have a better living, no i WILL NOT put you in the nursing home (or like you always say panti jompo). what a silly thought. haha
i wish you have a healthy mind, soul, and body so you can keep going anywhere you want. a true traveller!
i wish you still have a good job, a success business and owning a bakery shop as your dream.
i wish God will help our family trough your hand and heart.
i wish my pray will makes you stronger day by day.
i wish mom and dad keep up a good concord til the end of time. so we (your kids) can take a lesson from it someday. you both are an amazing couple.
i wish you'll get anything what you need.
i wish i could fly to home right now, only just to say happy birthday and give you a kiss and hug.
i think it's a long write and my eyes keep crying, no im not sad, it's a happy cry mom.
im happy i can write this for you in your blessing day.
thank you oma you gave birth my mom 59 years ago, so thank you mom you gave birth to me.
once again, happy birthday, i love you! kiss and hug from here. :D
and i'll sing you a happy birthday song with my friends later. (just let you know im not alone)
Amalia Ajeng Damayanti
haha never been like this before! so sentimentaly feelings come to me right now :)
top track: priceless - copeland , a song for mama - boysIImen
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